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Old Feb 21, 2009, 01:31 AM // 01:31   #1
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Default What are your Pet Peeves about some people playing GW?

Like you got to hate it when people start partying you and tries to trade with you thinking that they can actually sell the stuff?
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 01:38 AM // 01:38   #2
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When people act like they know everything and theyre completely better then you
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 01:56 AM // 01:56   #3
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Originally Posted by Expherious View Post
When people act like they know everything and theyre completely better then you
I second this and I'll add this....

When people act like they know everything and they're completely better then you...........and they can prove it.

Happens a lot to even the best of players. Most either don't realize it, fail to admit it or dismiss the fact altogether. Ignorance is bliss.

It's a double edged sword really. You think you're better then someone and that same person thinks he/she is better then you. My conclusion? You either both suck or you're both good in your own way but please don't play together.

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Old Feb 21, 2009, 02:22 AM // 02:22   #4
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People who beg for shit, alliances that dont allow you to swear else your guild will be kicked because we dont want to corrupt the 4 years olds playing this game. Oh wait. People who randomly try and buy your items when in a mission, people who take the pve side of this game seriously and to an extent RA/TA. And morons who when you ping your bar tell you to change everything.

Good job i dont ever pug tbh.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 02:36 AM // 02:36   #5
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People running useless bars, eg.
[heal area][orison of healing][healing breeze][power shot][volley][read the wind][apply poison][resurrection signet]
^Yes, that person was in my AB team.

Interrupt Spamming rangers who think they're "T3h u|3eR l33t h4xorz" when they finally d-shot an important skill.

People who talk like that ^

When someone thinks they're better than you. Sure, they might be, but for the most part, generally they're not.

People telling other people how to play.

People telling me what order to put my skills on my bar in. [lol]

People who do not listen to advice or try to improve at all, despite given multiple tips and helpful tidbits of information that will help them improve.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 02:39 AM // 02:39   #6
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Originally Posted by Expherious View Post
When people act like they know everything and theyre completely better then you

This and people that fall into the crowd that thinks they own GW and dis it and anything it does or says.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 02:43 AM // 02:43   #7
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I'd say that just about the whole GW population is my pet peeve.

Hero/Hench ftw.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 02:45 AM // 02:45   #8
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People telling me my bar is rubbish, I dont give a flip if you think I need to replace a skill for another, what I run I'm more comfortable with

When I offer to help people and friends in titles for pve, they get pissed after 5 minutes because either he or she died, or takes too long, and then RAGE!!! Seriously....get pissy at me for helping and you rage? Pro. Thank goodness for henchmen!

Guildies scamming other guildies. [bit off the road here compared to the others lol, but I don't care for it from guildies]

That....and people spamming even in guild/ally chat. "Does anyone have 2k PLZ PLZ PLZ I need for armor" and to make it worst... I see them wearing elite armor or have some title that states otherwise lol.

Last edited by Aeons; Feb 21, 2009 at 02:48 AM // 02:48..
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 03:32 AM // 03:32   #9
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What are my pet peeves in GW?

I have two huge ones and it’s odd because you can’t find one without the other most of the time they are:

1. People that think they happen to own what ever town or outpost they decide to lurk in and for some reason can’t seem to let anything pass no matter how small the offence. They complain about people recruiting, they complain about people doing emotes, they complain about people not using the trade chat, they complain about n00bs, they complain about how it’s not the good ol’ days of GW and how it was so much better in the way back. They seem to think local chat is their view own pvt chat room and damn anyone who doesn’t know them by first name or doesn’t have their MSN addy. Places like Piken, Ascalon and Jea are notorious for this sort of behavior. Prefect targets if you just want to troll because they’re always ready to “defend” their town.
2. People that beg and haven’t a clue. They beg for gold, they beg for runs, they beg for items, they don’t have enough common sense to use the trade chat. No matter how much advice you give them or what you tell them they continue to make the same mistake over and over again, it’s almost like they refuse to learn how to play and would rather have someone else do all the work for them while they get all the benefits. Any place that’s a starting off point for the campaigns are notorious for this sort of behavior, Ascalon, KC, Kam, places that n00bs begin the real storyline after the tutorial is over.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 04:14 AM // 04:14   #10
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When ppl ask for money to start a guild I mean seriously WTF
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 05:44 AM // 05:44   #11
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People that like cookie cutter builds.


And announces to the other team, WE GOT NOOB EARTH ELE GG.

Seriously, when they don't see something on wiki they start crying. Surprisingly they DIDN'T rage. And more surprisingly we got to halls with my fail caps spam build. I asked my guild on vent, (Yes, the guys spamming fail wasn't on vent.) Rage spike them at halls? Everyone agreed. So those two people were alone at halls.

If I could steal the fame we got them, I would.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 05:47 AM // 05:47   #12
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I just don't like general they are my pet peeves. Heroes and henches all the way...they don't talk back, except to provide me with amuzing pop culture references
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 10:34 AM // 10:34   #13
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Lol I agree with Zodiac on that one. And people who use MOX.

I'd say that just about the whole GW population is my pet peeve.

Hero/Hench ftw.
I can kinda relate to that, I only play with h/h, guildies and newbies when bored of the grind (faction farm, what a pain in the ars*), vanquish the same area in Factions over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (you reading this A-Net?) and over and over and over and over and over (is it annoying?) and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (woot, lvl 3 Luxon) and over and over and over and over etc. etc. etc.......SCREAM!!! My peeves get reduced a lot when moronically grinding like that. I lower my standards

Some GW's staff are my pet peeve I guess, and what they think is fun and clever means we do the same thing, yup, you guessed it......over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum

Last edited by Zebideedee; Feb 21, 2009 at 11:05 AM // 11:05..
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 04:04 PM // 16:04   #14
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And people who use MOX.
What wrong with Derv heroes? *sigh*

My pet peeve is people who complain when others don't live up to their personal standards of the game. People play on all different levels of gaming skill. If they are having fun, that should be enough, regardless what build/Hero/Gear they use. So what if they "suck" in your eyes. They are playing the game having fun, not bitching all day about this or that...
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 04:30 PM // 16:30   #15
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1. Cookie-cutter mentalites -in whatever form they take.
2. "GO GO GO GO GO..."
3. "go go go go go..." even when it's NOT in all-caps!
4. Leechers -anywhere they appear!
5. The "Me see red dots! Must kill" metality (outside of vanquishing, of course)
6. People who whine & cry about recruiting messages when the recruiter is NOT spamming.
7. Recruiters who spam
8. Willa the Unpleasant.
9. "Your view of the target is obstructed" when standing on a bridge right next to the guy you're trying to kill!
10. People in ABs who assume that a Me/E is a FC echo nuker.
11. People who TELL me how to run my skill bar. (I am, however, open to suggestions)
12. NPCs who won't do business with you because you don't have the right kind of faction.
13. The voice acting in factions
14. People who say "Skip the cut scene." When that happens, I make sure that I'm the last one to hit skip -there may be a newbie in the PUG that's never seen it before.
15. The blurring of the definitions of the words "newbie" (Originally meant a new player to the game) and "noob" (Originally meant a player who's been around a while, but sucks at the game and should know at least the general stuff - Ironically it's the noobs who caused this problem )

Last edited by Kook~NBK~; Feb 21, 2009 at 05:35 PM // 17:35..
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 05:04 PM // 17:04   #16
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I hate it so much when people /rank. It's even worse when it's just their meaningless Z rank. The others are meaningless too, but Z ranking is just painful to even think about.

People that see someone with a nice skin and immediately ask "is it perfect". That's not actually what bothers me, it's when they mock the person if it's not perfect. Acting as if it matters in the first place, I've even seen people get mocked because it wasn't gold but was still maxed in every way.

When people have the nerve to dis others, just because they aren't running some fotm build that came from wiki.

When you politely ask for someone's build, they say no, and find out later it's a wiki build. It's actually kind of funny, some people try to claim the rights to the build like it's their own child.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 05:09 PM // 17:09   #17
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Originally Posted by Expherious View Post
When people act like they know everything and theyre completely better then you
When people use 'then' instead of 'than'.

-When people denote requirement with Q.
-People who are so arrogant that they say stuff like, "NO REPLY=NO THX."
-Black-dyed Obsidian, Mo Zing, Chaos monks and wammos that flood Kamadan.
-"U trade for itemz?"
-Dual scammers in Kamadan ad1 who try to inflate a worthless item to hundreds of ectos so they can make a quick buck out of an uninformed person. Yes, it's dumb to fall for it but two wrongs don't make a right.
-Black Voltaic Spears + Tormented Shields on everybody's defensive sets on observer mode.
-People who insist on going against the grain just for the sake of being contrary and resistant.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 10:25 PM // 22:25   #18
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People who ragequit if we don't kill Alem last.... (i've learned to H/H it since)
Also collecting 850g instead of 875 for consets. It's a small difference, but I just can't stand the math mistakes!
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 11:34 PM // 23:34   #19
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The bad attitudes from most of the players, no matter the issue, instead of trying to be nice. Case in point, most of this thread.
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Old Feb 21, 2009, 11:47 PM // 23:47   #20
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People who say tomb instead of tome.
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